Ocarina of Time
As a kid I played a lot of Ocarina of time and one of the most iconic mechanics of the game is to play a little sequence of notes (using your n64 controller with only 5 available buttons) on the ocarina to "invoke a spell" of sorts.
This project took me around 8hs, divided roughly as: 1h to find the assets (midi files, images, original notes wav files), 1h reproducing the layout, 3hs logic to handle inputs, keeping track of the note history and triggering the full song, 1h refactoring the logic after finishing it, 2hs polishing the edges and adding the cheatsheet. And it was finished by 2021-11-01.
Can't remember the songs? Take a look at the cheatsheet section.
Use arrows/A or buttons below to play

Zelda's Lullaby

Saria's song

Epona's song

Song of Time

Song of Storms

Sun's song

Minuet of Forest

Bolero of Fire

Serenade of Water

Requiem of Spirit

Nocturne Of Shadows

Prelude of Light